This is the story of a room
Buzzing with activity each day.
Mails flew in, Mails flew out.
Others – stacked like hay!

Some mails were good, others bad.
And when there was a conflict,
the room went sad.
The mean ones were plenty-
found everywhere.
Overpowered the good ones-caused despair!

Mailboxes lined the door
‘Today’ overflowed,’ Past’ was overburdened.
‘Future’ held the dreams; some undelivered
many left unopened.
‘Hope’ though kept asking for more
This made it a healthy room for sure!

And then the Storm arrived in town
The mails fluttered in grief;
The Door shut, the Windows vanished
No sign of hope or relief!
No helping hand, no place to go,
No long lost love, no one they know.

However, the season changed soon
Happy mails buzzed in the room!
The sun shone, the flowers bloomed.
Music sailed, the angels danced.
Rainbows smiled, reindeers pranced.
Every mail was stamped with a smile
An extra letter, takes you the extra mile!

The room lies still now
Peaceful walls, so serene
Beautiful picture of every changing scene
Mails are all silent, for isn’t
“Well done better than well said?”
In case you wondered…….

The room is in my head!

p.s: I had written this one in the second year of engineering degree. Found it hidden somewhere in my closet and here it is!


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