Republic Day Celebrations

I woke up early morning to the sound of the television showing the Republic Day Parade at Delhi.We celebrate our 65th Republic Day this year and India has definitely come a long way.Or has it?

The significance of Republic Day dates back to 26th November 1949 when the Constitution of India was passed by the Constituent Assembly chaired by B.R. Ambedkar. However, it was chosen to be adopted on 26th January 1950 because this date was earlier associated with declaration of Complete Independence by the Indian National Congress (INC). A bite of history we learnt during school and I like to believe, every Indian knows about. 

For me, these national holidays always serve as a reminder of our past.Of our pre-independence struggle and the valiant leaders our country had given birth to. It also serves as a stark contrast of how we had leaders who could die for the nation back then and the kind of leaders we have today :- who would kill for power.

As, I watched the parade, a sense of patriotism, which has conveniently died down in many of us, flickered through my heart. The display of our cultural diversity and military prowess was certainly impressive.It is a fact we know but lies layered and hidden in our sub-conscious. However, one cannot live on past glories and there is a want for better things amongst the people of the nation today.We are a nation juggling with many issues like corruption, poverty and discontent.So,when the flag unfurled for the national anthem, I wondered, how significant is this Republic Day show, anymore? A sentiment echoed by Mr. Arvind Kejriwal too and I whole-heartedly agree with him. The media is busy labeling him as an anarchist. Really? I don't think they understand what anarchy means.However, we'll leave that for another post.

Anyway, this is not a gyaan post about how we should turn patriotic and die at the border.We should do our bit, in our own way and they will all combine together, I believe.

I have always been interested in politics, our history and how the nation is run. It is a dream to watch the Republic Day Parade live in Delhi ,and I know someday I will do it. Also, when I see people wearing Bob Marley or Che-Guevara T-shirts, I feel I want to get a Bhagat Singh T-shirt from somewhere too and wear it. This is another dream and if anyone knows where we get one, please let me know.

There is nothing wrong in crossing borders or growing in life.But, if there is something we should learn then it is to respect ourselves. Modernization is definitely not westernization. It is growing as individuals and not aping others.

Well, any national day should be marked with a patriotic song.So, here's the best one according to me, from a jewel we have in our backyard :)

-Mobius Strip


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