Emotional Wreck

A May fun-fair.
Dancing ballons. Jolly buffoons.
Lurking goons.

Candy floss.
Cartoon frames. Prize money games.
Funny names.

Stands and stalls.
Diving falls. Amidst this all.
I hear your call.

A puppet play.
Laugh and pray. In every way.
Happy we stay.

The joker's smile.
An eerie demise. Cold-eyed stares.
Darkness inside.

A turn we find.
Haunted aisles. Phantom theories.
Heartbreaking cries.

A weird discord.
Arranged by the Lord. Peace or sin?
An unruly din.

Psychic speaks.
Crystal balls. A blurry future.
No one to call.

Fair we go again.
Rides re-aapear. Sweetness in the air.
Are you near?

A roller coaster ride.
Unstable inside. Up it goes and goes down the trek.
This is what I am - An emotional wreck.



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