One year old.

On this day, exactly one year ago, I started my blog - Merci. It has a bit of history as I have been writing ever since childhood. Only in a dispersed sort of way. In notebooks mostly. As a child I had a diary which had a collection of poems I wrote or phrases I liked. I also had another notebook where I'd pen down lines  written/ said by famous people. Lines i particularly loved.  Id like to believe those were my first blogs. Only, they were not virtual. But I like to think of the effort I took with pride and also there is another kind of charm to the written word. 

As the internet culture grew we had Facebook and several social media platforms. Blogging or micro blogging- common terms. I continued writing posts on Facebook notes as I was, what you could call, not very pro-blog maintenance. I saw several people pour their hearts out or write regularly. I could never do it. So yeah, I stayed away from blogs for almost 7 years! I started one and randomly posted poems written ages ago  but never used it.

In January 2014, I don't know what came over me. But I had to write things somewhere I could keep them forever. So I revamped my earlier blog to Merci. A name that has, in a special way became associated with me and many memories. I wouldn't take credit for the name though. A friend recommended it. Merci was supposed to be  joint blog. But it never happened.

I don't know how usual or unusual it is for people to celebrate blog anniversary or blogversary as they say these days. But I want to.  Because I know it has been a certain kind of achievement to come back to this page during intervals of my life and fill it.

What was particularly encouraging was that a lot of people from nowhere , simply out of the blue, have told me they enjoy reading it. They said they relate to stuff or a certain post made them happy. Such things obviously make my day. I don't think I can write with pretence. If it comes to heart it may come down in words.

Writing is beautiful and so is reading. Its great how words can brighten our souls whether you read them or write them.

I don't what to make this too long and sappy.

Happy First Blog Anniversary to me. To Merci.


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